Breast Augmentation – Incisions – Oklahoma City

Breast Augmentation If you have decided to undergo breast augmentation, it is important to learn as much as you can about your options. From type of implant to incision techniques, there are lots of choices to make when it comes to breast augmentation.

The first important step to take is to consult with an experienced practitioner you can trust, like Dr. Lisa Taylor. During your consultation, you can openly discuss your options and goals. If you are particularly concerned about scarring, the type of incision is a big choice. Incisions can be made in less-visible locations such as the navel, armpit or around the areola. Some women may opt out of the more-common incision in the infra-mammary fold because it is visible, but other incisions each come with their own costs and benefits.

If you would like to discuss breast augmentation in further detail, please contact us at our office in Oklahoma City.

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Office Information

4514 W. Memorial Circle
Suite B
Oklahoma City, OK 73142


Monday - Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed

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