Nano Fat

NANO FAT: You’ve heard of fat grafting. You may have heard of micro fat grafting.  So what is nano fat?

For the last 20 years, plastic surgeons have safely used autologous (from the same person) fat grafting in aesthetic and reconstructive cases.  Over the years there were numerous reports of improved skin texture, pigmentation, and skin quality many months after fat grafting.  In 2001, adipose derived stem cells were discovered. Although fat cells, i.e. adipocytes, represent 90 % of the volume of fat tissue, they only account for 20% of the number of cells in the fat. The function of the other 80% of the population of small cells in adipose tissue is still under investigation.

The two main sources for mesenchymal stem cells are bone marrow and fat tissue.  Subcutaneous fatty tissue is becoming the first choice in cell isolation because it is easily accessible, relatively abundant in many patients, and contains a higher yield of mesenchymal stem cells than other tissues. Recently the stromal vascular fraction is defined as all living cells in the Lipo aspirate, except the mature adipocytes (fat cells).  It is believed there are more adult stem cells in our fat tissue than anywhere else on the body.

In the nano fat grafting technique, the mature fat cells are destroyed mechanically leaving the complex mixture of the stromal vascular fraction and the complex mixture of small size cellular components intact.  After initially starting with Dr Sid Coleman, standard Lipo structure technique in early 2000’s incorporated the micro fat grafting technique where applicable in the delicate areas of the face as described by several different plastic surgery leaders and mentors. In the nano fat technique, as described by Drs Tonard and Verpale (Who I also believe coined the term nano fat) micro fat is further emulsified to be able to passed through a 27 gauge needle. Nano fat is not a soft tissue filler, there are purposely no or minimal living fat cells present in the injectable substance.  Nano fat is indicated for the use of improving skin damaged by age and sun, thin and scared skin, trophic skin conditions, and pigmentary skin conditions. It is especially applicable to areas of the neck, chest, and hands being able to work in combination with micro fat or sharp needle infiltration of fat. The addition of the nano fat cells appears to regenerate elastin and collagen, stimulate angiogenesis, and improve the thickness and texture of the skin. Nano fat can be deposited superficially into the skin with a 27 gauge needle. It can also be deposited in the skin with a micro needling technique. Bruising and redness is expected following placement.  Final results are noted months after the treatment.

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