Skin Rejuvenation – Oklahoma City CO2 Resurfacing

Skin Rejuvenation One of the biggest breakthroughs in anti-aging and skin rejuvenation is fractional CO2 laser skin resurfacing. It combines traditional carbon dioxide lasers with newer applications and techniques to provide powerful effects against fine lines and wrinkles.

CO2 resurfacing is a quick and convenient skin rejuvenation procedure with minimal recovery time. Effects are reported to last eight to ten years after one or two sessions. Skin discoloration, fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars are treatable. Beamlets of light are pulsed into the skin to boost the body’s natural collagen production, which is crucial to skin health. Discuss your goals with Dr. Lisa Taylor if you’re interested in this cutting-edge skin rejuvenation technique.

Contact us at our office in Oklahoma City for a consultation.

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Office Information

4514 W. Memorial Circle
Suite B
Oklahoma City, OK 73142


Monday - Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed

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