(Part 5) Vaser Shape: Two Thighs, One Experience

Vaser Shape Session 3 (of 5)
I couldn’t wait to show Dr. Taylor my progress.  I even wore the skinny jeans to my appointment.  Naturally, once you achieve results like this, you want more. You begin to dream of hot pants and super model thigh gaps.  I will caution you, this is a time to manage your expectations.  Remember, it’s not liposuction, nor is it magic.  But it is SO very encouraging to see and feel a difference in a stubborn fat spot on your body.
The third Vaser session was in the books, and again, my body responded newly and differently.  For starters, the Vaser ray-gun barely felt warm.  They informed me that it was set the same as the previous two weeks.  How weird!  As with the first 2 sessions, I left feeling a buzzy looseness in my thighs, and guzzling water to flush out those lipids.   Throughout the week, my jeans still fit nicely, and as I analyzed in the mirror, I was delighted to see that my body was taking a visibly smoother shape.
Vaser Shape Session 4 (of 5)
Big Day!  Before the fourth session, I was re-measured to check our progress.  Amazingly, in three weeks, with no change in my diet or exercise regimen, I had lost a half inch on the right side, and 3/4 inch on the left!  My total hip circumference was a half an inch smaller.  This is in addition to the smoother silhouette and firmer skin.
Treatment number 4 was more of the same gentle pressure and heat, more of the loose buzzy feeling at the end.  One side effect for me; (Ok, I know there are no advertised side effects, however…) this procedure makes me have to pee.  For the rest of the day. I’m always a healthy water and tea drinker, but Vaser Shape amplifies my peeing requirements.  It’s not ‘bad,’ as far as side effects go, but it does happen, so heads up.
After the urgent peeing subsided and the skin redness went away, I continued to notice incremental improvement, though less than after session 2 or 3.
Vaser Shape Session 5 (of 5)
Final session with the Vaser machine.  I’m a pro now, and we whizzed through the procedure.  I hopped on and then off the table, with the familiar warmth in my thighs.  They had perfected the routine for getting the table adjusted to the best angles for me.   I fully expected a subtle result like I had after session 4; surely there must be diminishing returns toward the conclusion of my treatments, Right?
But if there is one thing I’ve learned about Vaser Shape, it’s to expect the unexpected.  Alas, in the mirror, I immediately noticed another dramatic result.  Much like session 2, my body responded to session 5 with gusto.  Smaller, firmer, smoother, and noticeably looser jeans.  I cannot explain the varied results over the weeks, except to speculate that they really are cumulative and our bodies respond differently on different days.  I’m glad that I committed to 5 sessions, and allowed myself time to respond to this treatment.  Although I have read about patients with one-session instant miraculous results, stopping after one or two treatments for me, would have been like sitting in the sun for 90 seconds and expecting a tan.

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